South facing homes have earned the reputation of being unlucky but they aren’t all bad. Go through these south-facing house Vastu tips to bring in positivity to your home.
If you go according to the lar notion a south-facing house (one where your entrance door opens up southward) is supposedly inauspicious. If you believe in the principles of Vastu Shastra, the Indian science of home arrangement, you will be aware that all directions come with certain dos and don’ts viz-a-viz the layout of a home. A home house facing any direction can be made auspicious if certain specific Vastu principles are followed. Read on to know the essential Vastu tips to plan the layout of your south-facing home so that you attract abundance and good fortune all year long.
The Entrance Vastu
The entrance of your home is one of the most important things to plan for. If you are looking at your house from the outside, the main door should be placed at what is referred to as the 4th pada or step of the entrance. Simply put, if you divide the wall bearing the entrance of your south-facing house into nine equal parts, with the first part being at the right/ south-east end of the wall, then the best placement for the door would be in the 4th such part.
You may also place the door between the first three padas but you must avoid placing it anywhere between padas 5-9, i.e, the south-western part of the entrance wall. Some experts also recommend that the entrance door must also be the largest to welcome an inflow of good energies. The door must also open inwards in a clockwise direction.

Also, check out Main Entrance Vastu
Placement Of The Master Bedroom
According to the principles of Vastu shastra master bedroom must be ideally placed in the south-western part of the house to attract positive and relaxing vibes. While this is ideal for master bedrooms in south-facing homes it is also applicable to apartments. In case of multiple storeyed houses, t is additionally recommended to have the master bedroom situated on the highest floor.
Also, check out Vastu Colours For Bedroom
Placement Of Other Bedrooms
For a south-facing home, Vastu shastra recommends placing the children’s and guest bedrooms in the north-west direction. For children’s bedroom, there is much more flexibility as the house can be auspicious even when the children’s bedroom is placed in the southern or western part of the house.
Placement Of The Kitchen
In a south-facing house, the Vastu plan must ideally include a kitchen that is located in the south-east or northwest corner of the home. Additionally, it is important that cooking takes places facing either the east direction (in case of kitchen placed in the south-east corner) or the west direction (in case of kitchens placed in the north-west corner.) It is advisable to avoid having a kitchen in the southwestern part of the house.
Also, check out Kitchen Vastu
Colours Of Prosperity
For a south-facing house, Vastu shastra experts recommend the use of colours like brown, red or orange especially for the exteriors of the house. The same colours or hues of these colours can be used for the interiors to maintain a consistent colour scheme. It is crucial to remember that the colours blue and black are to be absolutely avoided.
While these were the most important Vastu tips to keep in mind for a south-facing property there are a few more tips to ensure a good flow of positive energy in such homes:
Added Vastu Do’s and Don’ts For South Facing Homes
- Prefer a plot that slopes from south to north and not the other way round
- The living room and pooja room can be placed in the north east side of the house
- If there is a staircase in the house it can be placed in the southern part of the house
- The walls in the south and western parts of the home can have comparatively thicker walls than those in the northern and eastern parts
- The south-west corner is inauspicious for placing anything related to water such as borewells or pumps
- Avoid destroying or adding anything to the southern part of your home
- Avoid having car parking in the south
- Do not have large open spaces in the south as compared to the northern part of your home
These Vastu tips must have made you sure about two things. First, that a house facing the south isn’t something to run away from and second that Vastu shastra has remedies to direct positive energy to whichever house you chose to live in! We suggest you keep these tips in mind while buying a house facing the south.Vastu principles to bring in positive vibes and good fortune to your south-facing house. Read now.
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