8 Quick Vastu Tips For A South-East-Facing Home

by Natasha Unger | January 23, 2024 | 6 mins read

South east facing house vastu for your home

Planning to buy a new home? Troubled by the thought of landing a south-east-facing house? Here are a few south-east-facing house Vastu tips that can see you through

There are several out there who believe that south-east-facing homes or plots bring in negativity and bad energies. According to Vastu Shastra, there are no bad directions. It is just that some energies and circumstances do not favour you when your house faces a particular direction.

Well, not everyone has the option of building a house from scratch where they plan the directions according to the south-east facing house Vastu plan. What if you are frantically looking for a home to buy or rent and you have no other option other than a south-east-facing one? You finalise the deal and take the necessary steps following Vastu Shastra and channelise the energies to bring in prosperity.

Here are a few Vastu Shastra tips that can help you reside in your new home in peace.

Position The Kitchen Well

When you own a house that faces the south-east direction, ensure that you have the kitchen in the north-west. South-east Vastu states that the energies coming in from that direction infuses better nutrition while taming the Fire God.

According to experts helping out with south-east-facing house Vastu tips, when you have a home that faces the south-east, avoid keeping open space in front of the house. Occupy it with a parking area or grow trees to block negative energies coming into your home. There shouldn’t be any free flow coming through the main door or windows that face the south-east direction.

Position the kitchen well for south east entrance house vastu
The kitchen is where you cook meals. It shouldn’t attract anything negative

Also, Explore About Vastu Tips For Kitchen

Check The Living Room

The living room is where the family spends time together, and there is a bonding. Ensure that the living room is towards the east. Good vibes and energies flow in from that direction to allow peace and harmony to prevail. Any other side may not be favourable while causing frequent fights and disputes among the family members.

Due to the negative energies flowing in from the south-east direction, it is said that the women in the house tend to face heath problems. To curb this, paint the main door facing south-east red both from the inside and the outside. Painting the entrance door red prevents the negative energy from coming in and having a significant impact on your family members.

south east facing house vastu- check the living room with sound energy
With a lot of activity taking place here, sound energy is required to keep the room lively

Also, read more about Vastu Colours for Living Room

Use Red Curtains At The Entrance

There are times when you cannot do anything about the south-east-facing home that you live in. That is when you can use little tricks to curb negative energies from flowing in. Put up red curtains or of a different dark shade. They hold up the bad energies and prevent them from coming in.

The bedroom is where you rest at the end of the day while getting rid of worries and negativity coming in from various sources. That is why you should ensure that it is in the south-west direction. If that isn’t possible, ensure that the bed faces the south-east. Leave a gap between the bed and the wall to channelise the energies.

South east facing house vastu plan if you go for red curtains which pushes negative energy out
Red curtains not just look great but also ward off negative energies from coming in
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Paint The South-East Wall Red

This direction brings in power, activity and good energy, which is why experts providing south-east entrance Vastu remedies suggest painting the wall red. If you do not like the colour, try opting for a different shade, but it should be dark. The walls hold up the good energy while keeping your house at peace.

Toilets shouldn’t be constructed in the south-west direction. It leads to an imbalance in the energy flow. If there is a toilet that already exists in that direction and nothing can be done about it, keep the doors closed all the time. Also, ensure that the bathroom doesn’t face the kitchen. If it does, close both doors.

Paint south east wall red for south east vastu to control positive energy
Painting the south-eastern wall red allows the control of positive energy

General Vastu Tips For A Happy Home

  • Keep the entrance area clean all the time. Place plants alongside and decorate it well to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • The cupboard or the cash locker should open to the north direction to attract energies.
  • Avoid leaving taps open in the kitchen or bathroom. If there is a leak, repair it immediately. Good energies flow away.
  • If you like pets, try owning an aquarium with fish of your choice. They pull in negative energy. Keep the aquarium clean, and you are good to go.
  • Ensure good ventilation in the house where there is free-flowing air. Open up windows and put up wind chimes. This purifies the energies and allows prosperity.
  • Place an idol or a picture of Goddess Lakshmi near the entrance to improve finances.
  • If your child is facing troubles while studying or cannot focus on their career, hang two flutes in the house. It improves energy flow.  
  • The study table shouldn’t touch the room wall and should be placed facing the east or the north. It leads to good energy flow.
  • The south-east corner of the study table should have a bright lamp to boost concentration.
  • Avoid sharing a common wall for the bathroom and the kitchen. Also, watch out if their doors face each other. Keep them closed all the time.
  • If you notice cobwebs, clear them as soon as possible. They hinder overall growth.
  • Any clocks that do not work anymore should be removed or repaired. They block good energy.
  • Suppose your main door is creaky or has developed cracks, wear and tear, repair it immediately. It holds up the bad energy.
General vastu tips for south east corner plot vastu which helps in helps in balancing things out
While south-east-facing homes tend to bring in negative energy, getting the right Vastu assistance helps in balancing things out
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Not always you can get a home that is perfect from all aspects. Sometimes it is spacious and reasonable but has Vastu issues like that of a south-east-facing flat. The above south-east entrance Vastu tips are likely to bring about good energy when you follow them perfectly.

If you liked reading about south-east facing house Vastu, also have a look at east facing house vastu.

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Natasha Unger is a content writer at DesignCafe

Natasha Unger

Natasha Unger is a content writer by profession with an experience of over 8 years. She has explored multiple industries such as that of animation, real estate, tourism to finally settle for Writing. Her love for books guides her as she comes up with unique content each time.

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