A blissful blend of contemporary and customary pooja door designs inspired from rich culture.
A door often stands for the passage from one world into another, in religion and in literature. The essence of a door in itself is reason enough to know that behind the closed doors of your temple lies an everyday chance of a clean slate. Why should the pooja room door then not speak for the chamber that lies within? Your pooja room door design ought to be set apart from most of the others in your crib. It needs to be one that blends in perfectly well with the rest of your home décor while fitting the ambient almost flawlessly. There are a plethora of choices and designs you can choose from and we bring you some of the most popular ones!
Pooja Room Door Designs In Wood
At the mention of pooja room doors, chances are that you’re already envisioning the brushing of fingers against carved wooden surfaces. Why wouldn’t you? It’s an all-time favourite and one that is here to stay. People will have their entire houses all glassed up but make no compromise when it comes to an all-traditional pooja room door. Here’s what you can do to put the woo in the wood of your pooja room door design.
The Authentic Ancient Temple
If you hard-line wish for your pooja room to resemble the design of an archaic temple, this one is most suitable for your likes. Intricate carvings on fine handcrafted wooden pooja doors guarantee the feel of any heritage temple in India and are sure to energise the space encircling the room too. Prayer is all about syncing of rightful energies after all, isn’t it? Taking a more traditional route, you can always go with the South Indian way of designing your pooja doors by getting one custom-made by craftsmen with exclusive carvings that enhance the beauty of your home – and the spirit of your prayers.
Also, Read out more about Modern Pooja Room Designs
Clear With Glass Crystal Add-ons For Your Pooja Room Design
Although wood is an all-time classic, you could always aim to pivot from the cliche by adding glass. Glass inserts in a wooden pooja room door will do more than just break the solidity of wood. It softens the appearance by making it look a lot airier. Besides the obvious adornment, you can now sneak a little peek into your prayer room every once in a while, too. Another fun way of classing up with glass is by incorporating stained glass in a wooden frame pooja door design. A stained-glass panel keeps your pooja room more private while giving you the opportunity to get really creative with its design. Adding to this blend of modern and traditional, you can have images of peacocks, a celebrated deity or a simple flowery pattern that diffuses a natural glow every time light falls upon it. Sounds beguiling, doesn’t it?
Modern Pooja Room Door Designs
Stay In The Groove
If the whole ancient wooden temple design just doesn’t seem to blend in with the rest of your home, don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered. You can add a modern touch to the concept with a similar design. A wooden door painted white (or any other colour off of the neutral palette) with a laser-cut lattice design gives it a rather serene, soothing look – that also adds to the very purpose of a pooja room door design, making it an ideal comfort spot. The cuts in a pooja room door structure also allow light to seep in so you could always get a peep every now and then. And do note that cleaning the tiny gaps in this door design is not as lulling an act as the door itself!
Also, Explore Pooja Room Designs For Indian Homes
As Bold As Brass
Most other doors in your humble abode have a prime (obvious) purpose- to enter and exit a room. Your pooja room door on the other hand probably places equal weights on functionality as well as aesthetic. It’s a matter of devotion, this one, so people prefer to make it look as exquisite and expensive as they can. Enter metalwork designs. Mesmerising carvings of lords, flowers, and circular patterns on huge metal pieces make this pooja room door design perfectly merge with more sophisticated home interiors.
Space-Saving Pooja Room design
Pooja Room Single Door: Sacred Slid-in (g) And Accordion Style
People who own smaller apartments still want the elegance and style of a rich home, so designs that cater to this request are in plenty – pooja room doors included. With a lack of space making it impossible for doors to open outward, sliding doors make a brilliant option. This doesn’t necessarily demand a hold back in terms of style. Raise the bars by incorporating white sliding panels to metal carvings on wooden borders. Carvings give it an enthralling traditional touch while sliding doors fit in the small space created for your pooja room. If you do happen to opt handleless doors, install magnetic push latches on them for a sophisticated, no-stain finish.
Accordion-style folds, on the other hand, for your pooja room door design is another proficient ploy you can incorporate if you have a smaller home. These foldable glass doors come in various options including digitally-printed designs that add immense visual appeal to the entrance of your prayer room. Moreover, you could customise these printed designs according to your preferences – a simple floral affair, chic looking circles, ancient Aztecs or even idols of your beloved deity. Glass withal lends a sophisticated touch and reflects light that makes this holy space look spacious and splendid. Sleek, stylish and space-saving? Tell me where to sign, please!
Pooja Room Door Designs With Bells
The ringing of bells in Indian temples is said to disengage the mind from ongoing thoughts, thus making it more receptive. It is known to control a wandering mind for better focus. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want this to rub off in your own home every single day. There are so many ways you could incorporate these blessing bells to make your pooja room door radiate all things spiritual and special. Let us look at the top three, shall we?
1. A Hundred Sweet Symphonies
Imagine hearing the soothing tinkle of bells every time someone pushes the pooja room door open. If you like the sound of that (pun intended), adopt a design that has bells inserted in carved out cuttings strategically positioned every couple of inches on your pooja room door. These carved out slots could be squares, circles or even bell-shaped depending on your personal preferences. A simplistic yet mesmerising creation, a wooden door with a hundred bells (more or less) is sure to appease your devotional side.
2. Side Hanging Sacred Sorcerers
If having so many bells is not the ideal design for you, but you’d still like that extra touch of traditional chime, you can always keep it low-key by positioning two long hanging bells on either side of your pooja room door to make it appear more enticing. Besides looking good, they also work great with smaller pooja room designs to save space.
3. Ringing Contemporary Bells
If by the looks of it, your home demands a pooja room design with a modern touch, a glass door can do wonders to make this happen. This simplistic sleek design is further accentuated with adding bells. Covering these hollow slots with glass gives it a fine touch and you can choose to have them either on the outside or on both sides of the door.
Also, Check Out Vastu Tips For Pooja Room
Although inspired by modern-day preferences and created to favour the growing demand for space-saving furniture, these pooja room door designs have traditional touches that are sure to put you under a spell.