Aluminium sliding windows bring savings in many forms — money, time, power, planet and whatnot.
Aluminium sliding windows are being used more often in construction now for residential and commercial projects. As a homeowner, you may feel confused between choosing conventional wood-based windows and doors and newer alternatives like UPVC or aluminium. The same applies even when looking for a home makeover. We tell you why you can take the easy road with aluminium window designs.
Longevity Of Aluminium Sliding Windows
Aluminium sliding windows and doors are strong and highly durable. They are more resistant to atmospheric elements. So they don’t corrode or crack easily from the wind or heat. Neither do they shrink or swell like wood. Also, the sturdy build ensures that they aren’t dented easily. As a result, they can last longer (45-50 years) with periodic maintenance.

Energy Efficiency Of Aluminium Window Frames
When it comes to energy efficiency, aluminium window frames are excellent. Glazed aluminium windows are now advanced such that they aid in heat gain and heat loss. This allows homeowners to enjoy a comfortable temperature indoors thus reducing energy consumption in the form of fans, heaters, air conditioners and so on.

Easy Installation And Maintenance
Aluminium windows and doors are factory-made reducing construction and installation time. They are also easy to maintain. Basic cleaning is all that’s required for the frame and the glass occasionally is all that’s needed. Beyond that, unlike wood, they don’t need to be treated for used. This can be done every couple of months. Even in terms of the installation of sliding doors, there’s less use of hardware like hinges and bolts. Lubricating the sliding rails termite control. This again leaves room for minimal repair work.
Eco-Friendly Design Material
Aluminium is a forerunner in the list of sustainable construction materials as it can be recycled. It is also fully sustainable and non-toxic. Using aluminium windows and doors not only means saving energy for up to 50 years but also saving the planet in the long run. And in case you ever had to replace your aluminium windows or doors, rest assured that the scrap parts get used for making other objects.
Affordability Of Aluminium Window Frames
Owing to the easy availability of aluminium in the Indian market, they are priced reasonably. Besides, due to energy efficiency and minimal maintenance, the cost spent on aluminium window frames will be negligible in the long term. For homeowners, this can be a huge factor.
Customisable And Aesthetic Aluminium Window Designs
The use of aluminium gives the windows and doors a sleek and elegant appearance. If sliding is not what you want, you can also consider other options such as bi-folding, folding-sliding, hinged and French. You can choose what design and finish will work for your home. Finishes include natural anodised finish (silver) or powder-coated colours such as white, bronze, charcoal, black, or any other colour of your choice. Check out these custom aluminium bathroom door designs.
Aluminium is not just becoming popular for windows and doors, it’s also gaining traction for modular kitchens. Explore these aluminium modular kitchen designs. Be it for the kitchen door, pantry or cabinets, aluminium sliding doors can be a great option. Now that we’ve mentioned the benefits of aluminium in general and for sliding doors, which areas of your home are you looking to switch to this recyclable and sustainable material? Share your thoughts with our expert design team and get going. Book your appointment here.