What Would Shakespeare Say… About Balcony Flooring!

by Ekta Poddar | January 27, 2024 | 7 mins read

Flooring ideas for your balcony with wooden

With these Shakespeare approved balcony flooring ideas, you will be sure to be on firm footing.

Without doubt the most famous balcony scene in history is one from Romeo and Juliet. The romance of young love comes alive through the poetic verse of Shakespeare. So much so that it has inspired generations of young (and old) suitors to woo and serenade their lady love from below their balcony. While we can’t always guarantee the ladies a high quality of song and flowers, we do have you covered when it comes to balcony flooring ideas. Given his expertise on writing balcony scenes and for commenting on every subject possible, who better than Shakespeare to guide us through the world of balcony flooring? So, here’s our guide on balcony flooring, with Shakespearean dialogue for our inspiration.

The Hardiness and Resilience of Stone

“Therefore I tell my sorrows to the stones… 

…When I do weep, they humbly at my feet

Receive my tears and seem to weep with me”

Titus Andronicus

Not all stones are such willing recipients of our sorrowful tears, as Shakespeare would like us to believe. But they are for sure, sturdy and resilient. Natural stones like sandstone and slate make for durable and long-lasting balcony flooring. They are resistant to extremes of climate such as humidity and heat making them ideal for even open balconies. Slate flooring, for example, is waterproof and can be easily installed.

What you need to be careful about while installing stone flooring in balconies, is that they tend to be heavy so be sure to get some expert advice on the subject. Further, though stones like marble can also be used on your balcony, they will require some regular maintenance.

Balcony floor tiles with natural stone to make a beautiful ground floor balcony design
A beautifully done up ground floor area with natural stone flooring
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The Pleasures Of Lush Green (Artificial) Grass

“How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green”

The Tempest

Shakespeare may not have had artificial grass on his mind while writing these words. But that does not stop us from bringing a green grass into our balcony with Astroturf or artificial grass. Such an option works especially well if you have a ground floor balcony design and want the pleasures of nature without the hassles of maintaining a real grass lawn.

Imagine walking barefoot on your own private lawn, your children and pets playing freely on grass. With artificial grass while your initial outlay may somewhat tax your wallet, it proves to be fairly cost effective over the long run. Plus, it’s easy to replace. So, get going and be ready to feast your eyes on your own private patch of green.

Ground floor balcony design with edge to edge artificial grass
Top view of a balcony with edge to edge artificial grass

The Rustic Charms Of Balcony Wood Flooring

“What hempen home-spuns have we swaggering here…”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

We are mesmerised by how Shakespeare can make even an insult sound so alliteratively beautiful. ‘Hempen’ here means the hemp used to weave coarse clothes, and hence making the wearer rustic. The times though have changed, and hand-made and rustic are very much to stay. If rustic is the look you are going for in your balcony floor design, you will surely like balcony wood flooring.

We are fans of balcony wood flooring because the charms of real wood are hard to replicate. If glossy and luxurious is more your thing, rather than rustic, wood is versatile enough to meet your needs. Wood can be high maintenance and is not for the faint of heart. Or should we say not for the lily livered?

First floor balcony design with charmingly rustic wooden flooring is a best balcony flooring idea
Table set for two in a balcony with charmingly rustic wooden flooring
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The Humble Utility of Ceramic Tiles

“Have more than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest.”

King Lear

Shakespeare exhorts us to be humble – to not show off and to speak less. Balcony floor tiles designs are sure to go down in his good books due to their cost effectiveness and durability. Such tiles have high endurance and are available in ceramic and porcelain.

Balcony floor tiles are also the chameleons of the world of outdoor balcony flooring. They can be made to look like wood and natural stone and can be made to be much more durable than these materials. They will fit into your budget and they are low maintenance – swipe them with a mop and you are done. Such sterling qualities and at such budget prices, we told you Shakespeare will approve!

Balcony floor tiles design with a best durable and cost-effective ceramic balcony floor tiles
Durable and cost-effective ceramic balcony floor tiles

The Enduring Qualities Of Composite Wood Floor

“Have patience, and endure”

Much Ado About Nothing

Speaking of excellent and Shakespeare-worthy qualities, we must mention endurance. Meet the endurance athlete of the balcony flooring ideas, the composite wood flooring. This balcony wood flooring has all the aesthetic appeal of wood without any of the maintenance hassles.

Composite wood flooring is much cheaper than traditional wood and is quite easy to upkeep. It can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and it looks great as a large ground floor balcony design, or a small first floor balcony design and so on.  With their enduring durability, composite wood will never let you down.

Outdoor balcony flooring with composite wood flooring is much cheaper
Composite wood decking in an outdoor balcony

The Beautiful Patchwork Art of Mosaic

“O noble fool!

A worthy fool! Motley’s the only wear.”

As You Like It

Fools or jesters in Shakespearean times wore patchwork coats, hence ‘motley’ was their wear. Patchworks puts us in mind of mosaic. In this type of flooring, small pieces of material such as glass, ceramic, or stones are put together to form a design. Mosaic tiles are also available as a balcony floor tiles design.

Mosaic tiles bring undeniable beauty and aesthetic appeal. They are also durable and easy to maintain. Versatile in their design, this balcony flooring material blends with a range of looks or interior design styles.

Balcony floor mosaic tiles bring elegance and charm to a large balcony
Mosaic tiles bring elegance and charm to a large balcony
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The Stylish Comfort Of An Outdoor Carpet

“The purple violets, and marigolds,

Shall as a carpet hang…”


Since we can’t be blest with carpets of flowers, we shall settle for the next best thing. An actual carpet for the balcony floor covering. If you have a covered balcony which is mostly protected from the elements, you can consider putting in a carpet meant for outdoor use. 

Carpet is a soft and sensuous alternative to materials like concrete. While available as carpet tiles, you can also mix it in in the form of a rug. Remember what you get in terms of style and comfort you will to pay for in the coin of upkeep and maintenance.

With that we wrap up our list of balcony floor designs. When choosing the right option for your balcony, consider how exposed your balcony is, and the aesthetic look you are after. Factor in how willing you are to provide regular maintenance and the chunk of your wallet you are willing to pay. Ceramic and mosaic tiles, wood – both traditional and composite, stone, grass and even carpet, you have a wide array of balcony floor ideas to choose from.

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Ekta Poddar is a content writer at Design Cafe home interiors blog.

Ekta Poddar

Ekta is a freelance writer obsessed with good design and all things pretty. She is travelling, reading and eating her way through various cultures across the globe. Her inspiration comes from the great masters, Michelangelo, Anthony Bourdain, and Terry Pratchett. When not writing, she is crocheting, cooking or buying craft supplies.

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