Bunk beds for boys save space and make sleep-time fun
Bunk beds are an ever-favourite with both kids and parents alike. A bunk bed is one of those furniture pieces that put the fun in function.
While parents usually look for bunk beds for bedrooms shared by siblings, bunk beds for boys are an option worth considering even for one-kid bedrooms. We’re sure they won’t mind the prospect of an extra bed to hop into whenever the fancy strikes or turn the lower bunk into their personal cave.
If a bunk bed has been on your kid’s wishlist for a long time, but you’ve been uncertain of making the decision, here are five reasons why bunk beds for boys are a great idea.
So Many Bunk Bed Designs For Boys To Pick From
With so many trending bunk bed designs for boys available to buy, it won’t be tough finding cheap bunk beds for boys. Instead of the ready-made bunk beds for boys, you could also get a made-to-order bunk bed that reflects your child’s personality and interests.
A custom-made bunk bed also helps when you have certain specifications you’d like the bed to meet in terms of placement or area coverage in the room. Besides, a personalised bunk bed allows you to add cool features you may not find in the ready-made bunk beds for boys. You could get a slide installed with the bunk bed or get bunk beds for boys with storage or personalise it with your son’s favourite superhero.

Fun Bunk Beds For Boys Make Bedrooms The New Happy Place
Sooner or later, every kid pines for a bunk bed in case their friend or classmate just got one or they saw the cool kid in the movie with a bunk bed in his room. Bunk beds for teen boys are trendy too. It may be the unexplainable charm of the top bunk or the lure of literally ‘climbing’ into bed, bunk beds for boys never go out of fashion.
Did you know some theories credit ancient Egypt for inventing the bunk bed? While we’re not sure of the bunk bed’s origins, it’s the military camps that popularised the use of bunk beds thanks to their practical and space-saving features. Perhaps it’s this aspirational association with toughness and a spirit of adventure that makes bunk beds such a favourite with young children.
Save Space With Cool Bunk Beds For Boys
Every urban parent’s dream come true — more space. Besides being attractive to kids, another reason cool bunk beds for boys continue to remain popular is for their space-saving benefits in modern homes. It can get challenging to accommodate full-size or twin beds in an already compact second bedroom of urban apartments. Not to mention the additional space demanded by wardrobes, study tables and other furniture in your children’s bedroom.
The best bunk beds for boys will solve all these problems and more. Stacking up the beds vertically is a helpful hack when you have siblings sharing a room. You can custom-order bunk beds for boys with storage to do away with the need for separate wardrobes. You can utilise the extra space for a study or play area. This will be particularly helpful now that kids are spending more time indoors and attending classes online.
Bunk Beds For Boys Come With Lessons In Sharing
If you have siblings sharing a bedroom, there’s nothing like a bunk to start early sharing lessons. Depending on your child’s personality, they may naturally gravitate towards either the lower or upper bunk. A bunk bed allows your kids to enjoy their personal space despite sharing a room.
In case both children want the same bunk, usually the upper, the bickering hides a training opportunity. Parents can encourage their children to develop a sharing system, allowing each sibling to enjoy the coveted bunk on a rotational basis. Explaining both bunks’ pros and cons will help them build decision-making skills and the ability to accommodate others’ needs.
Bunk Bed Designs For Boys That Prioritise Safety
When you’re looking for bunk bed designs for boys, don’t forget to consider the bunk bed’s safety features. Make sure to note the slant and support of the ladder or stairs of the bunk bed. Ensure the bunk bed has no sharp edges or corners. Take extra precautions in case you’re assembling a bunk bed. A bunk bed’s upper bunk must always be equipped with sturdy railings of a good height on both sides. Make sure even the side which is against the wall has a safety railing.
A soft night lamp must always illuminate a children’s bedroom that has a bunk bed. The child on the upper bunk may want to get out of bed in the middle of the night and need light to aid him down the ladder. A carpeted floor would be ideal, but you could also place a rug close to the bunk bed. Make sure no ceiling fixtures are installed close to the bunk bed. The upper bunk is not recommended for children aged under six years old.
Bunks beds for boys will prove to be a great addition to your children’s room and one that will turn into their cherished childhood memory. Now that you’re armed with reasons why bunk beds for boys are a good idea and bunk bed designs for boys to inspire your choice, it’s time to reveal the good news to the kids.
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