8 Luminous Bedroom Bed Light Design Ideas For Your Home

by Noopur Lidbide | January 30, 2024 | 5 mins read

bed light design ideas for your home

Turn your bed into a cosy (ier) spot with these eight radiant bed lighting ideas!

Of all the rooms in a house, the bedroom is the one which deserves the most subtle and varied lighting. From comforting you after a long day at work and creating an atmosphere of love and passion to providing the right kind of ambience for an energetic start to the day — bed lights play an essential role. When you want to change the look of your bedroom, you might just want to rethink the lights in the space and experience a transformation! While we take you through beautiful and practical examples of bed light design, don’t forget to factor in the colour scheme of your home and the availability of natural light into consideration.

A Bright Nightstand Lamp Never Feels Old

If there are a lot of natural wooden elements in your bedroom, you might want to go with warmer bed lights that can reflect off the natural elements, creating a soothing effect.  The bedside lamp works well with the ceiling lights and plenty of natural light streaming in from the windows. You can choose a denser light for the bedside lamp as it will shift the focus towards itself at night as opposed to the window in the daytime.

Bed light design in minimalist at the bedside looks classic
A classic bedside lamp is a great option for bed lighting

Hanging Side Lamps To Save Table Space!

This kind of bed light design spreads the light evenly, specifically in a room which has a bit darker and antique colour palette. Suspended lighting over the side table can be used to unwind after a hectic day. The hanging bed lights will also open up some space on the table (and ensure that the lights are safe from the shenanigans of clumsy hands!. Hanging lamps come in numerous designs, so you may choose whatever suits the room and you!

Hanging side led lights for bed in modern style brings a unique charm
Modern hanging lamps bring a unique charm to your bedroom design
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Designer Hanging Lamps On Either Side

Elegant hanging lamps work well as a secondary source of light for the bedroom. The lamps are just to illuminate the sides of the bed and provide a complementary design to the room. The lampshade creates a pattern of shadow and light.

Two hanging bed light lamps on each side work well in the bedroom
Elegant hanging lamps are a mood!

A Chandelier, Reimagined

For a chic bed light design, you can try modern ceiling lights — something similar which can ensure sufficient overall lighting for the room. Bed lights on the sides of the bed can be complementary in colour, focused and with a gleaming surface that cuts through the monotone of textures in the room. The bubble-shaped hanging lights here work well as the added layer of bedroom lighting for a quiet evening.

Bubble-shaped hanging led bed lights for modern bedroom
Modern overhead lighting for the bed looks pretty and functional

Pastel Palette And Ambidirectional Light Stands

Bedrooms are meant to make us feel tranquil and have a welcoming ambience. In such decor, the room would tend to look a bit dull if not properly lit. The light-toned colour palette of the room and the wallpaper allow the light to form a playful shadow on the walls. You can notice that the side tables are not quite crowded, leaving the lamps to have proper space!

Bedroom with two bedside bed light lamps in classic style makes us feel tranquil
Bedside lamps can be a solid bed light source

Modern Master Bedroom Designs

Bed Lights Like Windchimes

Wherever you want your aesthetic senses to heighten, symmetry never fails. All the lights, including the ceiling-mounted LEDs and the suspended lights, together light up the whole room. The colour scheme of this bedroom is limited to the hues of one colour, tending towards warm, so the yellowish shade in lights makes it even richer.

Bed with led lights on each side hanging from the ceiling in the yellowish shade lights
These drop downlights look and feel great for the bedroom
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Play Around With Minimalistic Bed Lights

The picture is of broad daylight, but imagine having these tiny wall artefacts switched on at night! The rest of the decor in the room, including the colour of the walls, is simple, which draws attention to the lights mounted on the wall. You can pick from a variety of cool wall-mounted lights as per your liking!

Wall-mounted bed lights are designed minimalistic and lends a modern look
Minimal bed light designs like these have our heart!

Discard Conventional Design

The in-built low shelf behind the bed leaves you with so much space to use. LED light bed lighting options are a smart way to consume less energy and have the area around your bed sufficiently illuminated.

The all-white bedroom has bed wall lights behind the bed
An LED lights background works as a charming bed lighting option

There is a lot to think about when it comes to bedroom lighting. Bed lights typically form a part of a second or third layer of lighting for the space, but sometimes it can also be your primary source of lighting! Pick a style that suits your sensibilities, the aesthetics of your bedroom and your practical lighting requirements for the space.

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Noopur Lidbide is a content writer at Design Cafe Home Interiors Blog.

Noopur Lidbide

Noopur Lidbide is a freelance content writer and translator. She made the switch from finance to writing in 2017 and has since worked on diverse projects including English scripts and dialogues and subtitles for Marathi movies. An avid reader, she is passionate about storytelling too.

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